
Simple, centralized command center accelerates your business.

Enpaas Applications

Your key focus is to switch electricity and gas supply to create more customers and sales. You live and breathe in a world of negotiating energy contracts daily. Unfortunately, you spend half of your time running manual back-end processes to support your operation. With Enpass you can re-focus your efforts on sales. Our simple, centralized command center accelerates everything you do, and there’s nothing else like it. Gain access to innovative tools and a dedicated team of resources that create efficiencies and generate new sales opportunities and revenue streams.    

Facilitate, Support, Achieve

A complete customer relationship management (CRM) tool built specifically to manage your supplier relationships. Manage leads, sales, and customers including supplier and sub-broker commissions.

An automated tool that validates energy bills of customers against supplier contracts, industry data, discounts, levies, and other criteria. It also converts bills into customised formats to import into your customers’ accounting systems with no manual intervention. Brokers add new revenue through processes and automation savings.

A complete metering and billing solution for new and existing sub-meters to provide customers/landlords/service providers absolute confidence in the accuracy and reliability of their sub-meter billing requirements. Sub-metering has become mandatory to re-bill accurately and assess where electricity and gas is being used in a building / mall etc.

Managed Services

Time is money. Free up your time and power your business via Enpaas applications and managed services.

Are you ready to join our growing community of clients who trust Enpaas to power their energy business forward?