
Powering your energy business through technology and expertise.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and cloud

The energy industry has been left behind in the digital revolution with the entire ecosystem relying on archaic systems that are fundamentally not designed with the customer in mind. Enpaas’ focus has been to change the status quo and to rethink customer experience while keeping the latest technology at the heart of our customer’s systems.

SaaS delivery and cloud infrastructure deliver advantages over older on-premise software. It’s the preferred technology by CIOs in every industry and a first in energy markets that have been slow to catch up. SaaS cloud delivers a more scalable, automated infrastructure that’s quick to deploy, and requires no hardware, software, resources, or capital expenditure budgets. 

As energy markets rapidly evolve, organizations require simpler, automated cloud-based tools for greater efficiencies and to scale at a minimal cost. Our technology-led approach is unique and what enables us to save you so much money, while increasing performance.

Maintain your competitive edge and sustained growth, without chasing the latest technology and draining your budget.

Traditional Systems (On-Premise)Enpaas Systems (SaaS Cloud)
Data SecurityPhysical servers and data can be accessed easily by anyone, leaving it open to security breaches.Systems are highly secure in the cloud with no visibility of servers so that data is accessible by authorized users only.
System Security

Security software updates are continuous, manually intensive, and require your IT staff to execute and manage.

Public cloud providers invest in cybersecurity on a scale that?s beyond the reach of most companies and Enpaas resources add a level above that.
ScalabilityAs businesses grow, capital requirements increase for a larger workforce, more facilities, and servers. Traditional software doesn?t scale easily with growing data volumes and users.A fully scalable system supports fast and rapid business growth without impact. Enpaas can manage millions of meter points with no additional cost or negative performance.
Return on Investment (ROI)High-risk, high cost, long-term to profit.Low cost, no risk, immediate (ROI).
InfrastructureHardware and software license costs require a capital expense budget for servers, server racks, networks, storage space, databases, operating systems, physical space for servers, and more.No hardware and software are needed as customers need only an internet connection to use Enpaas systems.
Asset RefreshOn average CIOs look to refresh aging hardware, servers, network switches, routers, etc., every 3 years, which is costly but necessary for performance.

There's no additional cost for hardware refresh as your solution is managed in the cloud by Enpaas.

Updates, Version CostsSoftware goes out of support with vendors like Microsoft, and database providers continuously releasing new versions which cause disruption through regular updates. All software upgrades and maintenance are done by Enpaas at no additional cost, and with no disruption to the business.
Business ContinuityBusiness continuity is difficult and risky as many companies either don?t have disaster recovery or assume high infrastructure costs and resources to maintain it. Disaster recovery and high availability are guaranteed for business continuity at no extra cost.
MobilityMany systems are available only in the office or through VPN access. Systems and services are available in the cloud and accessed from anywhere, on any device via web login.
TestingExtensive, time-consuming development and testing are required for software changes, new features, and user installations. No development, testing, or installations are required. Our experts handle everything, while you enjoy new applications and features as they come online.
IT MaintenanceThere are huge costs for IT staff to maintain hardware, software, and deployments.No IT staff is needed as systems are available in the cloud as a service.
UpgradesUpgrades are disruptive and costly with new software versions to test and install.Upgrades are seamlessly done in the background by Enpaas at no additional cost or disruption to your business.
Technology ChangesKeeping pace with industry trends and quickly changing technology is endless and expensive. Enpaas manages industry-forced changes and leverages scalable, flexible technology while anticipating your business needs.
DeploymentDeployment, database configuration, and setup have long, costly timelines. Setup and deployments are done quickly by Enpaas in the cloud at a very low cost.
PerformancePerformance can be slow, especially as aging software and hardware fall behind.Cloud computing never falls out-of-date and relies on the latest technology for optimum performance.
IntegrationExpensive and inflexible integrations can be lengthy to plan and implement, and many times never deliver on the promised benefits. Built-in APIs allow very fast, easy, low-cost integrations between Enpaas and other external systems. Industry integrations include Electralink and ECOES which are part of the solution.
Modern ToolsOn-premise is old, outdated, and doesn?t work with modern tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Enpaas SaaS cloud solutions enable easy integration and communication with modern tools like AI and ML for system performance.
Staff TurnoverManaging staff turnover is challenging and hiring qualified industry experts are difficult to find. Enpaas offers managed services by industry experts with deep industry knowledge.
Staff CostsTraditional solutions require a large staff and high costs to run systems and business operations. Managed services by Enpaas ensure your operations are taken care of by industry experts so you can focus on your core business and bottom-line profitability.

The Enpaas Managed Services Team Keeps Your Infrastructure Powered And Day-To-Day Operations Running Smoothly

The many benefits of the Enpaas SaaS cloud platform

Accelerated digital transformation, cloud adoption, connectivity, and the need for business continuity…

SaaS remains the largest tech market segment and is forecast to grow to $104.7 billion in 2020. The shift from on-premise license software to subscription-based SaaS will continue.

Gartner 2020

Digital transformation doesn’t have to be a long, expensive, risky journey. Let us keep pace with ever-changing technology, while you focus on your core business.